For some reason, the ordinary doesn’t excite me anymore,
The want to do what others are, is not enticing any more,
The idea of merely existing is one which looks worthless even more.
Following the herd and not listening to my heart,
Dwelling on the ghosts of the past and not showing gratitude enough,
Happiness has surely eluded me and insecurity has really crippled me.
As I try to unearth to what is it to truly live,
The questions that I ask myself tell,
‘There’s still a lot left to live…’
What is it to sleep in the grass & watch a sky full of stars?
How does it feel to bring joy to those who need!
The urge to give without having the presumption to receive!
Life is calling, the desires of the heart can be achieved,
The ship without a shore in its sight can reach,
But first we must set the cages of our minds free.