Wars are fought, civilians are hanged!
Families can only mourn at their death,
All governments’ lost, were few shillings in their bank.
Since decades, regimes are plotting a conquest,
The rebels have wanted to outcast them all this while,
But common enemies made note, only layman suffered every time.
Religious bigotry blinded people of faith,
Man lost control of his sound mind,
‘My god is greater than yours ‘, was every barbarian’s chant!
Testing, mercurial were youth’s prime,
Unemployment was the bread they had,
Blowing up places of worship, suicide bombing was the job they had.
The sword of militia had a name though,
Infidels and fellow countryman were despised,
Satan walks freely now, humanity is bracing for tough times.
Women are raped, man has become lowly with time,
Chemical weapons are used to kill children these days,
Fairy tales don’t exist, there is trouble in paradise!
But why should only the terrorists shoulder the blame?
Countries have been equivocal with the time,
Harmony can be brought in when, the only religion is mankind!
